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Shahryar Rahmani

Hey friends,

It’s me, Shahryar Rahmani, and that’s me enjoying the beauty of Emerald Lake in BC, Canada! I’m all about embracing nature, exploring new places, camping, and you guessed it—diving into the exciting worlds of trading and investing.

My journey in the trading world has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows, but I’ve come out on top. Want to know how? Keep reading my story. Now my mission at MTC is like a guiding star. I’m all about helping folks like you overcome the hurdles of trading and investing. My goal is simple: at MTC, we’re on a mission to make trading and investing education accessible to everyone.

Wondering how we do it? By breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons, creating a supportive community that feels like hanging out at home, and giving you the tools you need to thrive.




Back in 2017, I moved to Canada with just a fancy word – a briefcase! It was a big deal because I was the first one in my family and way back in my family tree (yep, including those funny ancestors) to step foot not only in North America but in the whole American continent. Before this adventure, I was studying at one of the best universities in Iran, learning about electrical engineering and computer science to get my BSc.

Guess what? I scored a golden ticket: admission, full funds, and a scholarship to come and study in Canada. They were actually paying me to come here and learn! So why did I pack my bags? Well, I was after bigger and better chances in life. You know, those top-notch opportunities that make the world go ‘wow.’ And it wasn’t just for me – I wanted to create a brighter future for my family too.








Back in 2018, I kicked off my adventure in Toronto, Canada, studying MASc in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. During this time, I had a cool job as a research and teaching assistant. That meant I got to work on interesting research projects, help out with teaching, and even handle some classes at the university.

But even though I was busy with school stuff, I had bigger dreams on my mind. See, I didn’t just want to stay in the academic world. I was super curious about starting my own business because I thought that would be super cool. And guess what? I didn’t have to wait too long to realize that many folks with fancy degrees like Masters and PhDs sometimes struggle to find good jobs, and the pay isn’t always as exciting as it sounds. Don’t get me wrong, being an engineer can make you money, but I was aiming higher – I wanted to build some serious wealth!

So, while I was still doing my school thing, I started looking into different kinds of online businesses. After spending a bunch of time researching, trading caught my eye. I knew a little about investing from my home country, but trading was a new game for me. The idea of being able to trade using just my laptop and the internet from anywhere in the world, without having a boss breathing down my neck, sounded amazing (although, I’ll admit, I didn’t realize all the tricky parts at that time!).


Finally, in 2019, I rocked the graduation cap and wrapped up my MASc in electrical engineering and computer science. By that time, I had a pretty good handle on trading stuff. I even dived into learning about options trading, and get this, I started doing that right from the beginning of my master’s journey. Why options? Because they didn’t need a ton of money to start (and believe me, as a student, I wasn’t exactly swimming in cash). Plus, the chance to make some serious money from options trading was super exciting.

But life wasn’t all about trading at that point. I had a bunch of other things going on. I was dealing with stuff like getting permission to work in Canada, finding a new place to live, and hunting for a job. Yep, you heard it – I was on the job hunt. Why? Well, trading wasn’t exactly making me a crazy amount of money, so I needed a job to pay for all the regular stuff like bills and rent. So, I snagged a job as a data scientist, but guess what? I didn’t stop trading. I was getting up early and staying up late, juggling both work and trading with a grin.









So, 2020 rolled in and brought along a really tough situation that we’re all familiar with – yep, those lockdowns! It was a wild time for pretty much everyone on the planet, no doubt about it. But you know what? For me, it turned into something positive. I saw the lockdown as a chance to do something cool. I used that time to dive into studying the market, checking out charts, getting really good at options trading, creating my own special way of trading, and finding the best methods to handle my trades.

And guess what happened? This was like a big moment for me. My way of trading and the quality of my trades got better and better, and guess what? I started making some serious money! But that’s not all – I decided to mix things up. I used what I knew about trading and investing to grow my profits even more. I took the money I made from trading and put it into different assets to make it grow.

Don’t get me wrong – it wasn’t all smooth sailing. I went through a bunch of ups and downs. Sometimes I made a lot of money, and other times I lost a bunch in my trading account. But here’s the cool part: the lockdown was actually a fantastic chance for me to learn more about who I am, figure out how to handle the psychology of trading, and keep my emotions in check. These things turned out to be super important when it comes to trading. And after all that learning, my trading account started growing like crazy.


So, after keeping at it for a few months and staying consistent, I stumbled upon a pretty big problem in the world of trading and investing education. Even though you could find info in books, on YouTube, and in courses, a lot of it wasn’t really top-notch. The books are okay, but they don’t give you the hands-on experience you need. YouTube videos can be all over the place and not super detailed. And trading courses? Well, many of them are just recordings and don’t really take into account what each trader is like.

Seeing this gap got me thinking, and that’s when I came up with the idea for Meta Trading Club. I wanted to help folks who are interested in stuff like starting their own businesses, investing, and trading. The goal? To give them real education – the kind that’s not just book knowledge but practical experience too. And I wanted to go a step further by helping them create their own customized trading and investing strategies that match their personalities and goals.










In 2022, it was like I was on a vacation spree – every single week, no breaks. Back in the lockdown days, while everyone else was into Netflix and funny YouTube vids, I was totally engrossed in trading and setting up my trading system. Oh, and building up Meta Trading Club was also on the agenda. I put in a lot of effort during that time, so I was really ready for a break.

But here’s the cool part: I didn’t have to stop working to enjoy my travels. I was actually working while I was traveling! That’s one of the awesome things about trading. I had my trusty laptop with me, and whenever the stock market was open, I was right there, taking advantage of trading opportunities and keeping my business going, all while having a blast exploring new places.


In 2023, a bunch of amazing things came my way. The year kicked off with a big, exciting project: diving into real estate investing. See, my success in trading opened doors for me to jump into the world of real estate and renovations. This was something I’d always dreamed of, and get this – I’m talking about the Greater Toronto Area, which is one of the fanciest and priciest spots to own real estate pretty much anywhere in the world!

But wait, there’s more. I was able to do something that felt really special – I helped my family come to Canada. This was a huge deal for me. When I first came here, my big plan was to give my family a better life and let me tell you, seeing that happen made me happier than you can imagine.

And hey, guess what else? I and the whole Meta Trading Club crew got featured in SFWEEKLY, YAHOO FINANCE, INVESTING.COM, MARKET WATCH, and BLOOMBERG! Talk about a surprise and an honor. This just shows that we’re on the right track, helping tons of go-getters achieve their dreams. I’m really proud to say that I’ve taught hundreds of folks about financial markets, and we’ve got hundreds of MTC members out there making good money in the market. We’ve seen members who were having a tough time but are now making profits. We’ve seen people who knew nothing about trading but are now rocking it. My goal is to help everyone become their own boss in trading and investing, and you know what? We’re right on track. Lets go, MTC!

Shahryar Rahmani





Meta Trading Club Family Photos

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