MTC Incubator Applications Closing Soon


Refund Policy

Meta Trading Club Inc. operates (the “Site”).

Please review our refund policy carefully before making a purchase. We are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction with our program. If you believe that you have not received value from the Incubator program, we offer a 30-day refund policy. You may request a refund within 30 days of starting the program. However, please note that refunds are subject to stringent conditions outlined below.

Refund Conditions:

Request Period: You may request a refund within 30 days of starting the program. Refund requests made after this period will not be considered.

Eligibility Criteria: Refunds will only be issued if the customer can demonstrate that they actively participated in the program, completed assigned tasks, and implemented provided strategies without success. Failure to engage with the program content will result in the denial of refund requests.

Evidence of Effort: Customers must provide documented evidence of their efforts, including completed assignments, attendance records in live webinars such as live Q&A, premarket webinars and Sunday webinars, or any other relevant materials requested by Meta Trading Club Inc. Failure to provide adequate evidence may result in the denial of refund requests.

Review Process: Refund requests will undergo a thorough review process by our customer support team. We reserve the right to deny refunds if the request does not meet the specified criteria.

Discretionary Refunds: Refunds are granted at the discretion of Meta Trading Club Inc. We reserve the right to refuse refunds if we determine that the customer has not made a genuine effort to engage with the program or if the dissatisfaction is deemed unsubstantiated.

Initiating a Refund:

To initiate a refund, please contact our customer support team with your purchase details, documented evidence of your efforts, and a detailed explanation of your dissatisfaction. Refund requests must be submitted within the specified 30-day period.

Contact Information:

For refund inquiries and assistance, please contact our customer support team at

We strive to provide excellent service and address any concerns you may have. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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