MTC Incubator Applications Closing Soon


MTC In-Person Trading Incubator Waitlist | Limited Spots Available

What is Trading Incubator?

This 3-day MTC In-person Trading Incubator is designed for individuals who are interested in learning how to trade. Held at the Meta Trading Club headquarters in Toronto, ON, Canada, our small class size ensures personalized attention with less than 10 students.

3 Days
Stocks & Options Trading
In Person
In Toronto

What is Included ?

Comprehensive Learning Experience

During the program, you'll learn essential skills and strategies from Shahryar, an experienced trader sharing insights gained over years in the industry. From refining entry and exit techniques to mastering risk management, you'll gain practical knowledge to boost your trading performance. No prerequisites are needed for this comprehensive course; everything will be covered from A to Z.

+ Bonuses

Online MTC Incubator program

Enjoy a 50% discount on the MTC Incubator program.

Access To MTC Community

Get access to the MTC private community for 3 months, where daily trading activities are shared. 

Access To MTC Community

As a part of the MTC community, you’ll also have access to weekly live Q&A sessions.

VIP Package (ONLY for 1 person)

One-on-one mentorship with Shahryar

The VIP package offers:

  • 3 Personalized Mentorship Sessions with Shahryar!
  • Available at Your Convenience!
  • Each Session Lasts for 1 Hour!

See What MTC Members Say

Frequently asked question

MTC In-person Options Trading MasterClass comprise three days of intensive options trading education sessions held at the MTC headquarters in Toronto, ON, Canada. Upon joining MTC In-person classes, you can attend these classes three times without additional fees.

Plus, get exclusive access to the MTC private community for 3 months, where daily trading activities are shared. As a part of the MTC community, you’ll also have access to weekly live Q&A sessions.

As a bonus, enjoy a 50% discount on the MTC Incubator program. Learn more about the MTC Incubator program here.

Absolutely. There are no pre-requisites for our training. We cover everything from the basics to the advanced. Complete newbies with no previous knowledge are welcome!

Not at all! There are no prerequisites for our training. We cover everything from the basics to the advanced materials. Our training is designed for many different levels of students ranging from beginners with no knowledge at all to experienced traders simply looking for new ways they can grow and improve.

We cover topics from the basics to the advanced. Also, our traders community and webinars are designed to keep our traders well-equipped and one step ahead for the ever changing market conditions.

Yes! As a part of MTC In-person Options Trading MasterClass, you get access to MTC Private community. A huge part of the MTC is our weekly live webinars and student-focused private community. We are here for you every step of the way!

We cover it within our MasterCurse. While there’s some differences between brokers, there’s suitable solutions for everyone!

No you don’t. All you need is internet and a basic computer and your mobile phone! You don’t need the latest and greatest computer.

We can guarantee that we will give you all the information needed in order to succeed but it all depends on what you do with that knowledge. If you’re willing to put in the required work and effort, you will surely come out as a confident and successful trader. What we guarantee is that Shahryar will not stop helping you until you make money in the market.

MTC In-person Options Trading MasterClass run for three days. You can receive a full refund if you decide not to continue on the first day before its halfway point. After that, refunds are not available.

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"From Struggles To Trading Profits"

A Blueprint to Profitable Trading