Beginners Trading Guide: Top (9) Things To Trade!

In the dynamic realm of finance, the term “tradable products” encapsulates a vast array of assets, each with its own unique characteristics and potential for profit. From commodities to stocks, forex to cryptocurrency, and indices to options, these tradable products serve as the lifeblood of global markets, fueling investment opportunities and shaping economic landscapes. While […]
Straddles vs. Strangles Options Strategies
Table of Contents Long Straddle Strategy How It Works A long straddle strategy involves buying both a call and a put option on the same underlying asset. These options have the same strike pricing and expiration dates. This dual buy allows the investor to profit from major price swings in the asset, whether they go […]
Market Mornings (2024.05.14) Crypto Quirks: Glitchy Business in the Digital Assets
The first day of the week was relatively calm for the financial markets. Markets are mostly awaiting US inflation data. US indices remained indecisive, and in the forex market, GBP and EUR were the strongest currencies against JPY and CHF, respectively. The dollar index reached around 105.30 and has yet to initiate any specific movement […]